Monday, July 6, 2009

First few days in guatemala :)

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to update since I've been here. It's been crazy busy but also amazing! The first day, we had a work day. We went to a church and sanded and painted all the walls and benches. It was fun, and a great time to get to know my team better. Also, Aiyesha Woods and her brother are on our team :0) since they came to Guatemala with us to help with worship, they had to pick a team and thankfully they picked mine! It is super neat to get to hang out with them. One time during the first day, Aiyesha started singing and everyone joined in. It was cool cause lots of Guatemalan people would come up to the fence and just listen to us sing, even though they didn't know the language. When we got back to the hotel, Ashley and Kiley (my roomates) and I started talking to this lady and her brother who were selling stuff outside the hotel. They only speak Spanish, so it was a great opportunity to get to practice! There were these two little kids, Pamela and Samuel, and they were completely adorable! We ended up playing with them for an hour and a half that night! The boy was too young to talk, but we really got to know Pamela. If we didn't know a word in Spanish, we would just ask her, and then we would teach it to her in English :0) I love playing with the kids because they don't care if you can't speak completely correctly. They are just excited to play with you! The next day, we had to get up extra early and we had a three hour bus ride. Then we got on a boat and went to the village where we were performing the drama. We were the support for Team 3, so we went through the streets with translators and invited people to the drama. After that, we went on another boat ride to the next village. Then, we were the ones actualy performing the drama. It was amazing to see the kids all paying attention and understanding it all! Afterwards, my friend
Caitlyn and I went up to a group of about 9 or 10 boys and we ended up getting to pray with ALL of them! It was so amazing. After that, a couple other of our teammates came over and we sang some Spanish songs with them :) I have to go now because I only have 15 minutes on the computer and its about to shut off, but I'll try to finish the update tonight or tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for the update Lauren! I am so happy that you are having a great time! We will continue to pray! Love ya
    Aunt Steph

  2. Hi Honey!!

    So glad you ae getting to know your teammates so well and being blessed by the ministry work you are doing. We LOVE you and MISS you!! Can't wait to see you!

    Love, Nana and Papa

  3. Hi there Honey Bunch!

    We have had so much trouble writing on your sorry!

    Papa and I are so very proud of you. We pray for you every day and can't wait to hear about everything in person when you get home!

    The Lord is certainly blessing you and I know this experience will have an eternal impact on your life.

    It sounds as if your roommates are great! Again... blessings from the Lord!

    I love you Cis!

  4. Hey, Cis! Sounds like God is really using you guys in your time there, and that you're learning a lot! How is the spanish coming? Your Aunt Ne and I are praying for you, and we love you!

    Uncle Chris
